The sun is patiently burning her song of colors within the quiet earth.
I have seen a therapist for several years. Yesterday, in her familiar office I had memories come forward in the forms of physical sensations. I could actually feel an event from the past occurring here and now. I realized a couple of things. One is that the whole body is a mind connected with the heart, thoughts, spirit. Memory that comes forward from a dynamically charged experience is not always recognized as a memory. It may be here as a physical experience. It may feel like a past event is occurring right now, right here. This is particularly true of folks with past trauma. I am amazed at the complexity and wonder of the body mind. I am amazed at the wisdom of it's many voices.
I have a new and simple tool that I use when I am reactive or hyper vigilant. I use this when I am triggered by an external stress or a rising discomfort. I simply stop and ask the questions:
Where am I?
What am I doing?
What am I doing?
For many, the experiences of the past can flow into the psyche and sensations. How many times is this an unconscious process? I can be more of a witness for the charged physical experiences that can occur within me. I can be less reactive. An example is when a shot of adrenaline comes when a child is being sassy . We can seek to center ourselves with the two simple questions. And then proceed with actions that match the actual situation. Many times that action is just to take a deep breath, feel the feelings and let it go.
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