Thursday, April 2, 2015

Can You Guess Who I AM?

This is a poem written by the main character who is coming to life in the process of writing my new book. Have you ever began a creative project and found a life and vibrancy within the the work that was completely unexpected? I highly recommend the experience. Most days at the writing desk for me are made up of just sitting down and getting to work. Sometimes the Great Mystery blesses a devoted practice with words from somewhere, someone, beyond the imagination. I met a character in my newest project who vexes me, teaches me  and thrills me. She wanted to share a poem that came at the end of her long life of wonders wrapped in tribulations:

She Writes Another Poem Upon Her Bedroom Wall
Can You Guess Who I AM?

I am the will of heaven.
I am the scion of verdant earth.
I am all that came before.
I am the end within the circle.
I am humbled in magnificence.
I am known everywhere in anonymity.
I am the song between the notes.
I am the memory betwixt the words.
I swim in your veins.
I die at your bedside.
I am born every moment.
I reside in the time beyond time.

Can you say who I am?
That is the beginning of wisdom.
The question is all you need to know.

Can you guess what I am?
Breathe in;
you will find me.
Breathe out;
you will find me.
Cease your struggle to breathe
and you will Be me.


(c) Copyright Words and Image, Richard Sievers, April 2015

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