Saturday, July 7, 2018

Questioning the Illusion of Certainty

They say this world is an illusion,
a false reality,
a ruse within God’s plan,
separate from the powerful innocence of the Creator.
Perhaps this is true…except, I think, for the separate part.

Many say that only the expert or ancient text can point the way home.

What do I really know?
Not much outside of presence and love.

An aspect of me says “So what if it is an illusion!”
Is a dream unreal?
How would one Know?
And just what does certainty do for us?

I have mostly questions.
Reading the big books handed down from someone’s god
no longer brings a swoon of the absolute.
I wonder if certainty is the real illusion.

Does God require a book?
Do I?
Do we?
Is Mystery so inadequate for being an underpinning for love?

I am:
Being here even if this is maya.
Praying here even if this if the answers are ineffable.
Loving here with the power of the God who dwells in the present,
even if the sacred is undefinable,
even if the great being is unnameable,
even if the laws cannot be transcribed by our little synapses and our fancy words.

Are we really meant to buy into a book, a system, an ism?
We’ve seen these come and go for 10,000 and more years.
What, who is the presence that remains?
Can anyone, anything really separate us from the unity of all being?

The answer for me is mercurial.
It rises from this flashing of electrons on this screen.
It comforts me with simplicity:
Go out,
be in the wind and the sun,
be in the glorious sorrow of the world,
be within the wonder of the ordinary,
be loving within the best ways you can love,
be kind,
be a listener,


(c) Richard Sievers, July 2018

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