Sunday, December 27, 2009


I am grateful for the choices that make up a million small acts in life. This year I intend to be a little more conscious of my discernment and freedom. Three questions come:

Does this action fit with my callings and ways of contributing in life?

Does this action help to counter balance the destructive energy in the world?

Does this action lead to the possibility of joy for myself and others?

Yes, Yes and Yes are the preferred answers.... right?

Or is just the fact of contemplating the questions an act that breathes life into the world?

Clarity can be a rare occurrence. I'm frankly a little suspicious when someone knows the truth about some endeavor they are beginning.

So another set of contemplations:

Can you sit in the ambivalence of leaving some things undone in order to deepen another that is more in alignment with your body mind and heart?

Are you able to disappoint or disillusion someone else for a greater healing?

All I know is this: Choose something, and the choice will lead somewhere.

Can you live with the mysteries that can only be clarified with movement and stillness?

I was afraid to write this online journal tonight. I had few clues where it was going until my fingers started tapping the keys and my screen began to scroll into new territory. But I want to take a risk, and pose the questions that have no pat answers. Perhaps it is the the questioning and the release of the outcome that promotes a richer life?

Peace to you brothers and sisters,

Both pictures were created while drawing with my step kids this week.
(c) 2009

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