Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Promise of Dawn

Traipsing out to the hut in our field at 7AM. The night still ruled. I walked into the welcoming space and lit the dark with three candles. I sat on the cushion. I was still as I could be. As I breathed, thoughts of discouragement came: "No one I know is reading these blogs, except my family". A little sad... and inaccurate.

Then the names came out of the dark:
Felicia, Richard, Holly, William, Janine, Doyle, Rick, Rudy, Edna, Mike, Dan...
and many more.

They came and said "We read from your book!"

I had more reason to create and write, a promise from the dawn. The ancestors read me. Even my descendants, even the daughter I never knew (yet). And there are the living, all out there on other strands of this singing web.

Then I breathed in a prayer for all of us:

We are home
We are seen
We are loved

I breathed out and opened my eyes. The night had retreated. The silver light of sunrise was roiling in clouds filled with rain from far away. The light fell in through the windows. I stood up and I was free.

Peace to you, my brother or sister, the living or passed, the lonely or revealed,


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